Cross site scripting in Movable Type
Movable Type is a professional publishing platform [ Taken from: http://www.movabletype.org ]
Vulnerability description
The ‘static’ parameter to the comment script is not sufficiently sanitised which allows an attacker to break out of the meta redirect url in the response, resulting in a cross site scripting attack.
- Discovered by: Eldar “Wireghoul” Marcussen
- Movable Type BugID: #105441
- Vendor: Six Apart Ltd - http://www.sixapart.com
- Affected versions:
- Movable Type Open Source 4.x
- Movable Type Open Source 5.x
- Movable Type 4.x ( with Professional Pack, Community Pack )
- Movable Type 5.x ( with Professional Pack, Community Pack )
- Movable Type Enterprise 4.x
Proof of Concept
Upgrade to the latest versions of Movable Type 4 or Movable Type 5. * Movable Type Open Source 4.36 * Movable Type Open Source 5.05 * Movable Type Open Source 5.1 * Movable Type 4.36( with Professional Pack, Community Pack) * Movable Type 5.05( with Professional Pack, Community Pack) * Movable Type 5.1( with Professional Pack, Community Pack) * Movable Type Enterprise 4.36 * Movable Type Advanced 5.1
Disclosure time line
- 25-May-2011 - Advisory released
- 24-May-2011 - New version released
- 18-May-2011 - Patch produced
- 11-Jan-2011 - Vendor acknowledge vulnerability
- 08-Jan-2011 - Vendor notified through email