Multiple vulnerabilities in maiacms
MaiaCMS is an open source PHP based content management system (CMS). It is designed with simplicity in mind to help you easily build and maintain your web site. It is freely available to everyone. [ Taken from: http://maiacms.sourceforge.net/ ]
Vulnerability description
Multiple vulnerabilities exist in maiacms, here are some of them.
- Discovered by: Eldar “Wireghoul” Marcussen
- Affected versions: 0.1
SQL injection
The index.php script does not properly sanitize the page parameter, resulting in several paths to SQL injection. PoC:
/index.php?page=1' or 'a'='a
Local file inclusion
The admin/index.php script does not properly sanitize the com or file parameters, resulting in local file inclusion. PoC:
Authentication bypass
Most of the admin pages has a check and redirect to login snippet to validate login:
list_pages.php::2: require ("../includes/connections.php"); //Includes functions and database connection
list_pages.php:4: if (empty($is_admin)) {
list_pages.php:5: header("Location: login.php");
list_pages.php:6: } list_pages.php:
However it does not halt execution after the header redirect. This allows code to be executed past the point of redirection.
curl 'http://maiacms.sourceforge.net/admin/list_pages.php?id=1&category=1'
Session control
The script update_session.php relies on the the aforementioned access control weakness and allows the session data to be changed or created directly through a HTTP POST operation.
update_session.php:4:if (empty($is_admin)) {
update_session.php:5: header("Location: /admin/login.php");
update_session.php:6: }
update_session.php:8:foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) {
update_session.php:9: $_SESSION[$key] = $value;
update_session.php:13:?> update_session.php:
Wait for the next or non alpha release
Disclosure time line
- 25-Jun-2010 - Public disclosure
- 25-Jun-2010 - Vendor notified through email
- 25-Jun-2010 - Vendor response